Personality: Arrow is an antisocial personality type... a criminal type. He is evil simply for the sake of being evil, and enjoys every moment of it. Where others are sad, Arrow laughs. Where Arrow laughs, others are sad. He enjoys hurting others, and likes to think of himself as a bad guy. He is a problem pup that Roger and Anita have no small amount of issue with; he tears up the bed sheets hanging on the clothesline, he digs up Nanny's garden, he terrorizes the other pups. He is pure and simply bad, and feels no remorse or sympathy for his victims. Curiously, he's never lifted a physical claw against anyone, except in the case of Rodrigo.
Backstory/History: See Bo. I really don't feel like typing all that out again xD
I see trees of green,
red roses too.
I see them bloom,
for me and you.
And I think to myself,
what a wonderful world....